
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

No September 2012 Newsletter

We'll see you back here at the beginning of October!

Monday, August 06, 2012

Louder Than Love : The Grande Ballroom documentary

Filmmaker Tony D'Annunzio is a successful sound producer turned documentary filmmaker. His very first film, Louder Than Love, won at the Las Vegas Film Festival for Best Documentary Michael Moore picked it for the Traverse City Film Festival and has been championing it on public radio and in interviews. After four years of working on the film whenever he could spare a few moments, getting help and getting people excited about the project, he's got a really solid film on his hands.

READ MORE by Deborah Stambler

Motown bass player Bob Babbitt dies at age 74


At Motown Records in the late ’60s, Babbitt’s thick, fluid bass lines drove the groove on songs by the Temptations (“Ball of Confusion”), Stevie Wonder (“Signed Sealed Delivered I’m Yours),” Rare Earth (“Losing You”), Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (“The Tears of a Clown”) and many others.  

READ MORE by Brian McCollum, Free Press Music Columnist

You may never have heard the name Bob Babbitt before today, and you may not recognize his face… but we can guarantee you've heard his music.

READ MORE Written by Linnea Crowther

Woodward Dream Cruise Saturday (Tempe AZ)


11 am to 2 pm
Sunshine's Motor City Cafe
7425 S. Harl Ave., Suite 2, Tempe AZ


In honor of the Woodward Dream Cruise being held in Detroit on that day, Sunshine's Motor City Cafe is opening the restaurant for us! They'll be serving Coney dogs, Better Made, Faygo, Vernors, Sanders and other items from their terrific menu.

Drivers of restored vintage cars (1969 or older) will receive a Coney Meal (two coney dogs, bag of Better Made and a Faygo (or other fountain drink).

I'll be there giving away Detroit Memories posters. Stop by and join us!



When Things Were Black & White
by Dan David

When Things Were Black and White is a fact-based novel that documents the seemingly stable time in Detroit history when televisions, photographs, attitudes, neighborhoods were distinctly black and white, and how that era ended with the desegregation of schools, the 1967 riots, and the ultimate white flight to the suburbs.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Check out all of the Detroit-themed books on Amazon!

Happy 99th Birthday, Harry Jarkey!

Harry Jarkey, a Detroit TV personality and nightclub entertainer
in the late '50s and '60s, was best known for a morning variety program
called Our Friend Harry, which ran from 1957-59, as well as The Fun House ,
a children's show with Ricky the Clown. He continued his career at places like
The Roostertail and Bay City's Wenona Beach Amusement Park's casino,
where he worked for 30 years, until his retirement at age 75.
He moved to southern California in the '70s to live near another
former Detroiter and friend, Danny Thomas.

Ed Golick, webmaster of,
has put together a Happy Birthday Harry Jarkey! email campaign.

to send Harry a birthday greeting
Include your memories of him, if you have them.

Even if you don't remember Harry, send a birthday wish anyway!

Ed will compile all of the emails to send to Harry on his birthday.
Some of you may recall that we spearheaded a similar campaign for Harry
when he turned 96. He was absolutely thrilled that we remembered him.
His daughter, Linda, tells us his mind is still sharp as a tack.

For more information about Harry's TV career in Detroit, go to 

Or watch the interview that Mike Collins had with Harry in 2011: