
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Error Message Problems

After numerous attempts to fix an error message that was being superimposed over several of the posts in this Blog, nothing worked. Tried three different web browsers, linking and unlinking, copying and repasting, and searching the Help section, but still no solution.

Here's what I was seeing atop several of the posts:

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the Application configuration. It must match one of the Connect or Canvas URLs or domain must be the same as or a subdomain of one of the Application's base domains.

I've inserted three BLANK POSTS in this Newsletter, and that appears to have solved the problem (how, I don't know, but it seems to be working).

Thanks to those who've contacted me with ideas about how to fix this.


Detroit Theater Organ Society celebrates 50 years!

The Detroit Theater Organ Society will be celebrating FIFTY YEARS! in conjunction with its May and June concerts.  We'd like to let people in the metro area (and elsewhere, too) know about this milestone.

DTOS continues to be active with its organ concerts and maintainance of the Wurlitzer theater pipe organ.  DTOS is also tied to Detroit's memories as owner of the original Wurlitzer pipe organ built for Detroit's historic Fisher Theater.  Probably most Detroit Memories readers have attended some program at the Fisher -- movies prior to about 1960 and Broadway plays after the theater was changed into a Broadway house ("legitimate" theater).  
The early DTOS volunteers came together to remove the Wurlitzer from the theater as the Fisher transitioned to serve a new generation of theater-goers.  DTOS has maintained the original design of the instrument in its new/current home at the Senate Theater on Michigan Ave.  
Go to for information on DTOS and the May 20 and June 9 special public concerts.  There will be other special events in May and June to mark the DTOS 50th!

Fred Bruflodt
East Lansing, MI
Southeastern HS / 1960

Colin Kennedy donates CKLW photo

Hi Eileen --

On my way back from Myrtle Beach, I stopped in Cleveland to donate an artifact to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

This is the "Ben Hur Wall" that CKLW featured on so many of their top 30 brochures. Paul Drew presented each of the Operators (Producers) with one a the Christmas Party in, I  think, 1967. This was the artwork used in the original. I had it hung for years but my now-grown kids have no interest in it, so I wrote to the Hall and they were excited to get some memories from the station. If anyone else has anything from any of the Detroit stations, I am sure they would like to have them.

I hope someday my kids will be there, see it,  and say 'Hey that is from my dad!' There appears to be a tax advantage for Americans but Revenue Canada is not as kind. You will not be paid for your donation but there is paperwork and probably a tax receipt.

Colin Kennedy
Former CKLW board operator

Fretter House Coffee

Eileen --

I bet you'll love this. Found it in my Dad's cupboard after he passed eight months ago. Ollie Fretter gave out Maxwell House cans covered them in his label for only a short period  

Feel free to use the image you would like. The coffee can will be placed at my wife's Houston TX bed-and-breakfast in honor of my father.

Jason A. Mass

Michigan Explained

Detroit Poems by Doug Tanoury

My House And Shadows

A black and white photograph
Of the house I grew up in hangs
Framed on my living room wall

It stands alight in winter sun
A series of rectangles topped
With gable triangles of the roof

I stare into darkened windows
Where I once gazed onto photo
Perfect afternoons filled with light

The front porch is a box held up
By two white pillars and my
Grandfather’s swing is empty now

It looks as if no one is home but 
I alone looking at this landscape
And plain facade of red bricks

Windows some dark and others
White with shades drawn against
The brightness of late afternoon

As the sun sets behind the bar and
Bowling alley across Gratiot Avenue
A lone street lamp casts its silhouette

On Rohns street the shadows are long
Stretched into just before sunset length 
In front of and on the house I grew up in.

Reprinted with permission from Doug Tanoury © 2003 All Rights Reserved

More of Doug's Poems...

For more of Doug's Detroit Poems, visit:

Saturday, May 05, 2012

