
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Detroit Theater Organ Society celebrates 50 years!

The Detroit Theater Organ Society will be celebrating FIFTY YEARS! in conjunction with its May and June concerts.  We'd like to let people in the metro area (and elsewhere, too) know about this milestone.

DTOS continues to be active with its organ concerts and maintainance of the Wurlitzer theater pipe organ.  DTOS is also tied to Detroit's memories as owner of the original Wurlitzer pipe organ built for Detroit's historic Fisher Theater.  Probably most Detroit Memories readers have attended some program at the Fisher -- movies prior to about 1960 and Broadway plays after the theater was changed into a Broadway house ("legitimate" theater).  
The early DTOS volunteers came together to remove the Wurlitzer from the theater as the Fisher transitioned to serve a new generation of theater-goers.  DTOS has maintained the original design of the instrument in its new/current home at the Senate Theater on Michigan Ave.  
Go to for information on DTOS and the May 20 and June 9 special public concerts.  There will be other special events in May and June to mark the DTOS 50th!

Fred Bruflodt
East Lansing, MI
Southeastern HS / 1960

1 comment:

  1. Cathy Przybylski Stoner12:59 PM

    Thanks for posting this! I spent a lot of time in the Senate Theater when I was younger!
