
Friday, July 05, 2013

What happened to Detroit Memories on Facebook?


On Tuesday, July 2nd, the Detroit Memories Facebook page was transitioned from being a 3,400 member site to having only one member, me.

What were the reasons behind this change? Well, there were several:
In 2011, when the Detroit Memories Facebook page was created, it was the first of its kind to offer "memories of metro Detroit from the 50s, 60s and 70s." I was excited about having a venue where Detroiters could participate and share. For a very long time, it was everything I'd envisioned, and the group's membership grew steadily. 

However, in the last few months, the numbers suddenly began a dramatic increase. Till then, I'd never considered how large this group could become, and it was already requiring a higher level of diligence by the volunteer admins: Gary, Lee, Pat, and Bobbie, and me.

We prided ourselves on keeping the site organized and on topic. Guidelines were published from the onset that clearly expressed our theme (mentioned above) and our expectations. Because Detroit Memories is my business (as well as my pleasure), I considered the Facebook page an extension of my efforts, so it was important to me that the page was well managed and maintained. 

Along with the escalating membership, we found ourselves dealing with more and more criticism from those who felt that adhering to Guidelines had no place on Facebook. Rather than simply 'unsubscribe' and go elsewhere, they resorted to arguing, insults, name-calling and bashing our page in other Facebook groups, even going so far as to call us "copycats." I was then I knew we had lost our uniqueness...and I was losing what little was left of my civility.

I've dealt with many complainers in my 11 years as owner of Detroit Memories, but when the negatives begin to outweigh the positives, it's time to move away and move on. So that's what I'm doing.

Eventually Detroit Memories may reappear on Facebook, but if/when it does, it will be as a resource for Detroit-related news, photos, announcements and such. Don't look for this to happen any time soon. I need to research the alternatives available to accommodate the format I envision. Plus, I need a break from Facebook for awhile. When/if a new page is up and running, the announcement will be made in this Newsletter. 

Meanwhile, it's business as usual for the Arizona-Detroiters, Florida Detroiters, Texas-Detroiters, California-Detroiters and Nevada-Detroiters Facebook groups, the Detroit Memories website, and this monthly Newsletter.

My sincere appreciation to my Admins and to those of you who contributed, supported and enjoyed the Detroit Memories Facebook page for the past two years. 

Eileen Trombley Glick

PS: Your comments or questions are welcome, either below or via email.


  1. Thank you so much for your explanation. Makes sense. Although there are many who enjoyed the Facebook group, we will continue to look forward to these e-mails, the blog, and website updates. We thank you and your co-administrators for the time and effort it must have taken. Thank you!

  2. Philip K Webb12:58 PM

    Thanks for having the nerve to dump facebook.......What you do does not need it......But then I have had enough of "social meida" anyway.
    Guess that makes me as way over the hill ....
    When I started to read this entry of yours I was thinking You were going to facebook only and that made me very unhappy, Was glad to see your keeping this as it is......

  3. I am so sorry that people can do what they do. You did the right thing. We appreciate all the time you gave and still give.
    Thanks so much! Love my newsletter every month.

  4. GaryG4now3:47 PM

    First of all, I want to thank you for what you're doing. I enjoy all that I see on the Blog.
    As for Facebook, having been an early adopter, I can safely say there is no love lost for the vapidness of the entire concept. The pettiness you describe seems to be a hallmark of the site. It won't be missed. And I can't help but comment on the sad side of the Detroit personna that seems to have been brought out by it.
    The inability of SOME people to get along was one of the things that drove me away from the area. That said, there is still much that I love about the Detroit I remember.
    Yayyyyy Gold Cup!

  5. Kathy Robbins6:56 AM


    I too, am sorry that things deteriorated to a point that you had to shut down the Facebook page. I can't believe the time and energy exerted by just a few troublemakers, can ruin things for so many.

    I've been a subscriber to the e-mail newsletter for years now, and enjoy each and every issue. Thank you for taking the time to put it together for us!

    Kathy Robbins
    Pontiac, MI

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Good decision, and good overall job with what you do.

    I don't see a particular place or need for Facebook in experiencing your content, and, overall, I think Facebook is overrated.
