
Monday, March 03, 2014

PHOTOS: Where We Ate

Burger Chef


Howard Johnson's

Huck's Lakeshore

Machus Red Fox



  Susie Q.



  1. Burger Chef was popular as was top hats! I remember Greenfields was on Woodward and they relocated in the induction building off of gratiot Hojo those were a big restaurant in the Detroit area I remember going to Hucks barbarian inn its was at 5 mile and Inkster Marcus Redbox is known for Jimmy Hoffa's last appearance Stouffer's was at 8 mile and Greenfield in SouthfieldI remember there was a Suzy Q's up on Woodward as was teds driving at square lake and Woodward all good memories

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    absolutely loved greenfields!!!!!

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Yes, I loved Burger Chef. And that was "Top Hat" (singular, no "s"). The HoJo image seems to be the one located at the foot of East Grand Blvd. and Jefferson Avenue right near Belle Isle. However, Howard Johnson's went well out of their way to make sure that these places all pretty much looked the same.

    And yes, Ted's was my absolute favorite drive-in restaurant. Indeed it was located at Square Lake Road and North Woodward on the edge of Bloomfield Hills and Pontiac, but sometimes gets labeled today as having been located in "Birmingham" (not true). Many were the summer nights in the 1960s when I sat holding court with girls in one of my convertibles in Ted's Drive-In. Ohhhh! Those were fun times!

    Leon "Lee" Dixon

    Thanks to Eileen for the great images of old Detroit eateries. Let's se more!

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Greenfield's was one of my first jobs, working behind the beverage counter for .90/hour, plus free lunch. Susie-Q had by far the best Fish & Chips around, and Ted's was the final destination on cruising Woodward! Thanks for the memories!

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Coral Gables on Woodward. Great spot back in the 70s and 80's
